Sunday, August 24, 2008

Here's the story...

After months of reading other blogs and being told by friends and co-workers to start my own, I'm finally doing it. I've never been very good at keeping a journal, I'm pretty sure it's been one of my New Year's Resolutions every year for the last 5. The first entry usually goes something like this: 
Dear Diary (who does this, honestly?)-
As my New Year's Resolution, I'm going to keep a journal and write in it every night so at the end of the year I can look back and see how much, or how little, I've changed.
Flip the page and the rest of the book is least I'm consistent! I recently found about 4 notebooks whose first page had some variation on this message while the rest of the book remained, you guessed it, blank.
Here's hoping this works out better!
I probably would have started sooner, but first there was the issue of  coming up with the PERFECT title. No need to embarrass myself with an uber-dorky blog title, right? Much thanks to sister Emily for coming up with The Little Black Blog. My thinking being, like the LBD that is so highly regarded in the fashion industry, the LBB (as I'm going to start referring to it) would be a sort of 'anything goes' blog. Yes I'm mainly a fashion, makeup, shopping type girl, but one day it might be a post on politics (gulp), current events, or just the crazy people I share this world with. 
The point being, I didn't want to limit myself.
I'll take requests too, be it a trend, a product, where to get Steve Madden-esque shoes for the low,low price of $5 (hint: Walmart) or thoughts on a scandal. Even great writers get blocked once in a while. 
So, with that being said rest easy, this is one LBB that looks good on everyone.

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